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Privacy Policy


These terms and conditions of use set forth the rules for accessing and using this website (the “Website”), marketed through the BBrand Partners SA, a commercial company with the sole corporate and registration number at Caminha Commercial Registry Office , VAT number 506504565, headquartered at Rua da Corredoura, no. 120, 4910-133 Caminha, Viana do Castelo (“BBrand Partners”) and apply to all visits and uses of this Website.


1.1. Users over 18 should only access the Website.

1.2. Access to and use of the Website, as well as access to the content of text, comments, messages, information, photographs, videos, services and other content provided by BBrand Partners through the Website (“Content”), presupposes acceptance without reservations, conditions or modifications, of these terms and conditions of use (“Conditions”).

The user who does not agree with the content of the Conditions, which includes the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, should refrain from using the Website.

1.3. The BBrand Partners reserves the right to modify the configuration, the presentation and content of the Website and the Contents, as well as to modify, add or delete, in whole or in part, these Terms and as well as to establish new access conditions or use at any time. Such changes or additions to the Conditions shall take effect immediately after the publication of the new Conditions on the Website.


2.1. The user may access the Content displayed or disclosed on the Website, through the Internet, exclusively for the purposes stated in these Conditions.

2.2. Any modification, copying, distribution, transmission, dissemination, publication, license, reproduction, in particular in websites, or creation of contents or works that are based on or that integrate the Contents and, as well, any use of the same that is not provided for in the previous number.

2.3. The BBrand Partners may, at any time and at its sole convenience, change, suspend or discontinue any of the Content available on the Website without prior notice and without modifying any resulting obligation to compensate users or any third party.

2.4. The BBrand Partners disclaims any liability for any damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use or inability to use the content made available on the Website.

2.5. By clicking on the content sharing buttons on social networks available on the website, you are publishing the content through your profile on the selected network. The BBrand Partners do not have access to the login and password of users in networks or publish content on user behalf without him perform this action.


As a condition of access and use permitted under these Conditions, the user undertakes to:

a) Respect the rights of BBrand Partners and third parties;

b) Not to violate the good customs and to respect any and all legal dispositions, making a correct and proper use of the Website, with strict respect of the present Conditions that it has read, understands and accepts in full and without any reservations;

c) Not to modify the software in any way, nor to use modified forms of the software, namely for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to the Contents or any reserved content.


4.1. Unless stated otherwise, all Content and services made available and existing on the Website, belong exclusively or are licensed to BBrand Partners. The Contents made available on the Website are protected by Copyright and Related Rights and Industrial Property Rights under the current legislation and include, in particular, copyright and industrial property rights over the trademarks and logos of the trademarks.

4.2. The BBrand Partners will not tolerate any breaches of its intellectual property rights and take appropriate action in defense of their interests.


5.1. The user may be allowed to post on the Website or send to BBrand Partners, in particular via e-mail, upload or other forms that may be made available, texts, comments, messages, information, graphics, photographs, informational articles or opinion, illustrations, software, audio, video and other content or materials (“Material”).

5.2. By posting or submitting Material, under the terms of the previous number, you guarantee that you are the author of the Material that you have sent and that, free of charge and without requiring any consideration, authorize that BBrand Partners or third parties freely indicated by you, free and unrestricted form or with a temporal, territorial, format or support limit, fix, edit, publish, publish, use, reproduce, adapt, modify, communicate to the public, broadcast and direct or indirect exploitation, temporary or permanent, for commercial purposes, namely in any promotions and advertising campaigns of any products manufactured or marketed by BBrand Partners.

5.3. The BBrand Partners will not be bound to any confidentiality obligations relating to the material.

5.4. Submission of Material in the terms provided in this clause presupposes and implies knowledge and acceptance by the user, in addition to the other terms and conditions of the Conditions, the following points:

(i) You warrant that you are of legal age;

(ii) You warrant that you are the author of the Material you have sent, that it results from its original and unpublished creation and that it does not infringe any third party’s rights, so as not to give rise to claims for infringement of intellectual property rights by third parties or by BBrand Partners, assuming the user is liable for any claim in this regard;

(iii) The user undertakes to fully compensate BBrand Partners for any damages, costs or expenses of any nature that he may incur as a result of any claims of any kind or nature that are directed against BBrand Partners by third parties, based on infringement of intellectual property rights, namely, copyright, licenses, patents and other industrial property rights, image rights and others.

5.5. You represent and warrant that the Material:

(i) Does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;

(ii) It has no inappropriate, offensive, improper content, detrimental to public morality, good customs or any religious, political or ideological beliefs and beliefs, or defamatory or libelous nature;

(iii) Does not infringe Intellectual Property rights or any other rights;

(iv) Does not violate the personality rights of third parties;

(v) Does not promote violence, or dangerous or antisocial behavior;

(vi) Does not violate any laws or regulations;

(vii) Does not constitute spam or unsolicited promotional material.

5.6. The BBrand Partners reserves the right, at any time, in its sole discretion, without notice and without bringing it occasioned any liability, do not make the display ( “post”) or publication, as well as to edit or remove, any Material that does not meet your quality standards, does not refer to the section of the Website, is not appropriate or does not comply with these Conditions. However, BBrand Partners shall not be liable in any way for any failure or delay in the removal of such Material.

5.7. The BBrand Partners is not obliged to validate or verify previously any material which is provided by the user.

5.8. The Material constitutes the views and personal opinions of the user, who is solely responsible for their content, and BBrand Partners is not responsible in any way for the content of the Material made available by the user or for any Content that has been licensed to BBrand Partners.

5.9. The publication or the sending of Material by you pursuant to this clause presupposes the acceptance, without reservations, conditions or modifications, of the Conditions, in particular the terms established in these Conditions.


6.1. This Website uses cookies that allow to improve the user’s performance and experience. Cookies are small text files that the access device stores when you visit the Website.

6.2. By changing the browser settings, the user can configure the receipt of a notification when recording cookies on your computer. It is also possible to define the non-acceptance of cookies from this Website. However, the non-acceptance of cookies on this Website will limit access to and use of certain features of the Website.

6.3. The Cookies Policy can be found in our own document available in Cookies Policy.


1.1. The BBrand Partners declares that respects and complies with all legal provisions relating to the protection and privacy of personal data, and further states that for this purpose have and maintain in operation all technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and misappropriation of the personal data provided or transmitted to BBrand Partners, even though it is outgoing and warns that Internet security measures are not impregnable, and BBrand Partners can not guarantee that they will not be viewed by the 3rd.

1.2. Registration on the Website for the purpose of access to certain functionalities and the transmission of any personal data constitute your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and imply the implied declaration and guarantee that:

(i) you have read, understood and fully accept BBrand Partners’ Privacy Policy ;

(ii) the user is aware of the characteristics, constraints, limitations and defects of the Internet, and in particular that Internet data and information transmissions benefit only from relative technical reliability, circulating in heterogeneous networks with diverse characteristics and technical capabilities that disturb access or make it impossible at certain times;

(iii) you acknowledge that any website is subject to unauthorized third party interference and may therefore be interrupted, and that information circulating on the Internet is not protected against possible diversions (free access) against any viruses, and that any person is likely to create a link with access to the Website and / or the elements contained therein, accepting to take the inherent risks;

(iv) BBrand Partners can not be held responsible for damages suffered by users and caused or not by third parties for access to data transmitted by the owner on this Website or in other places on the Internet;

(v) BBrand Partners is not liable for any damages that may be caused by the use of the Website or the access or download of Content, including, but not limited to, virus contamination;

(vi) the user accepts the risks inherent to his / her activity as an Internet user, namely the risk of any transfer of data open.

1.3. The BBrand Partners gives knowledge of its data protection policy so that users can determine and express, freely and consciously, by registering them to do on the Website, its willingness to transmit or not to BBrand Partners, your data. We may collect the following categories of personal data:

Identification and contact information of the user – full or abbreviated name, address, telephone, e-mail.

1.4. The BBrand Partners also advises that the personal data entered by the respective holders constitute a computerized file of personal data owned by BBrand Partners, which will be under the responsibility of this company.

1.5. Brand Partners is the responsible entity and the recipient of the personal data transmitted to it by the Users, which may be communicated to third parties, namely companies directly or indirectly holding a stake in BBrand Partners, with the same guarantees of protection and privacy.

1.6. The data transmitted to BBrand Partners are aimed at managing contacts with customers and users of the Website; activities to promote products and services (direct marketing); management of hobbies and advertising contests, by BBrand Partners or by subcontractors. We store your personal data only for the period strictly necessary.

1.7. The BBrand Partners informs that the Users may exercise free of charge and at any time their rights of access, rectification, modification or cancellation of his data. To exercise your rights to protect personal data or whenever you have any question about the use we make of your personal data you should contact us through the following means:

Mail address: Luis Braille Street, 6B, 1400-031 Lisboa

E-mail address :

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer through the same postal address and e-mail address .

1.8. This Privacy Policy may be updated on a timely basis, which will be disclosed on our website.

1.9. The BBrand Partners suggests users to read the terms and conditions of use of the Website (the “Conditions”) available on Terms and Conditions and Cookies Policy available at Cookie Policy.


1.1.This Cookie Policy applies to all visits and uses of Website (the “Website”), marketed by BBrand Partners.

1.2. By using the Website, you agree to this Cookies Policy and with the consequent use of cookies in accordance with the conditions described herein.

1.3.Cookie Policy BBrand Partners may change. Such changes or additions to the Cookies Policy will take effect immediately upon posting on the modified Cookies Policy Website. Website users are advised to read the Cookies Policy regularly to keep themselves informed of possible changes.


2.1 Cookies are small text files that the access device stores when you visit the Website.

2.2.This Website uses cookies that collect generic information and allow you to improve the user’s performance and experience and for the following purposes:

Functional Cookies: These are cookies used to enhance the user experience of the Website, providing an uninterrupted experience.

Analytical Cookies: Analytical cookies allow you to analyze how users use the Website, which, therefore, allow BBrand Partners to improve the operation and facilitate the use of the Website. These data processing cookies obtained through the Website are used only for the purpose of creation and statistical analysis, and are treated anonymously, that is, without ever collecting personal information of the user. The BBrand Partners does not process personal data of users or through cookies or other processes of the Website.

3. CHANGING THE DEFINITIONS – User-definition Cookies

3.1. By changing the browser settings, the user can configure the receipt of a notification when recording cookies on your computer.